Second Presidential Debate Trump/Clinton

I have never really been one to get into politics, even when it's an election year.The fact that I'm watching these debates for extra credit for my class is probably the best thing that has ever happened to me, well political wise. Not that I'm going to drop my whole idea life of being a teacher to become a politician, but I actually like the feeling of being somewhat informed on what is happening in this race to be president. 

On that note, I could hardly believe I was actually watching a presidential debate Sunday night. I feel like although some issues were touched upon, it was mostly a Trump is only running for president for his own gain, not for the American people, and a straight out don't vote for Clinton because she lies and she's dangerous.At some points I even forgot the question they had asked because it had become so off topic! I don't really have any knowledge on presidential debates, but are all of them like this? Constant fighting between adults about how one won't do this, and the other refuses to do that. I don't know. I think my next step is to do some research and look at past presidential debates and see how they play out. 

Lastly somehow I ended up watching Fox News channel at midnight last night. I've never really been a person who watches any news never mind Fox News. With that being said I watched a show called "The Kelly File" and to my amazement I didn't hate it. I actually really liked it. Now her show wasn't what I was picturing for a show on the Fox News channel. She brought so many things to the table against why people would be voting for Trump, and so many of the people who were on her show didn't seem to disagree with her! How can there be a "republican channel" if even they are like what in the world is going on? At one point I asked my father "are you sure we aren't watching the democratic channel" because it was just so not Vote for Trump for this and that. I was actually pretty amazed by this show and what it had to offer at this point in the race for president.


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