Kaine/Pence 2016 Debate

Tonight I watched the vice presidential debate and I think it was almost as scary as watching the first presidential debate.

The whole time Timothy Kaine was reminding the United States why we shouldn't vote for Donald Trump. All the topics that would turn people away from voting for Trump were brought up. The topics were about immigrants, Trumps temperament, how his tax return still hasn't been released, and how he has talked about women, While he was reminding us why Trump shouldn't be president he also brought up ideas of why Clinton would make a better president.

I felt like the whole night Mike Pence spent time discussing the ideas of how to help America, but necessarily defending his running partner. Not that he disagrees with Trump, but I felt like he never fully said that the ideas that Trump has should be the right ideas.

While listening to the people discuss after the debate they said that Kaine was there to make his point that Clinton will do the best she can, but that America needed to be reminded why they shouldn't vote for Trump. They said that he definitely made his points against Trump clear and kept reminding the public over and over again the things that have been said.


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