Clinton/Trump Presidential Debate
One of the major things that stuck out in my mind while watching the debate was the question about how Clinton and Trump both plan on dealing with the racial divide in our country.
Clinton's idea came with a two part plan. The first part was beginning to restore trust between police officers and the community. With the lack of trust from one side to another they're working against each other instead of with each other for a safer community. Clinton also mentioned that he bias between police officers and people of the community needs to be worked on so that police officers can have a better understand about the issues going on around them. What really made be connect was when she mentioned that a white male and a black male could be doing the same thing wrong but there are different consequences because they aren't of the same race. The second part she mentioned was dealing with gun violence in our country. She feels like if you are too dangerous to be able to fly on a plane, you shouldn't be able to purchase or be able to obtain a gun in any way, which I completely agree with that.
Trump on the other hand thinks that in order to deal with racial divide we should set up stop and frisk in communities where there is a lot of violence. Although this is unconstitutional to profile people who you think might be a "bad guy" and search them, he seemed to think this was the best idea to take care of gangs and violence. Because of all the new stop and frisking there would need to be a lot more police officers canvasing neighborhoods and streets to make sure the "bad people" were caught. Trump seemed to think that illegal immigrants are to blame for the violent outrages in our country. They are the ones with all the guns causing such chaos. One of the only things that Trump and Clinton seemed to agree on was that in order for things to get better in communities the relationships between people and "our protectors" needs to be improved drastically and we need to start working together for a safer country.
Clinton's idea came with a two part plan. The first part was beginning to restore trust between police officers and the community. With the lack of trust from one side to another they're working against each other instead of with each other for a safer community. Clinton also mentioned that he bias between police officers and people of the community needs to be worked on so that police officers can have a better understand about the issues going on around them. What really made be connect was when she mentioned that a white male and a black male could be doing the same thing wrong but there are different consequences because they aren't of the same race. The second part she mentioned was dealing with gun violence in our country. She feels like if you are too dangerous to be able to fly on a plane, you shouldn't be able to purchase or be able to obtain a gun in any way, which I completely agree with that.
Trump on the other hand thinks that in order to deal with racial divide we should set up stop and frisk in communities where there is a lot of violence. Although this is unconstitutional to profile people who you think might be a "bad guy" and search them, he seemed to think this was the best idea to take care of gangs and violence. Because of all the new stop and frisking there would need to be a lot more police officers canvasing neighborhoods and streets to make sure the "bad people" were caught. Trump seemed to think that illegal immigrants are to blame for the violent outrages in our country. They are the ones with all the guns causing such chaos. One of the only things that Trump and Clinton seemed to agree on was that in order for things to get better in communities the relationships between people and "our protectors" needs to be improved drastically and we need to start working together for a safer country.
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