About Me

This summer I went on a mini vacation up to Ogunquit, Maine with my mother, my grandmother, and my great aunt. We made a stop at the Nubble Light house in York Maine. 

This past summer I had the chance to babysit a former preschool student and her younger brother. We spent a lot of time at the aquarium in Middletown, RI. This is a picture of a Skate a few weeks after it was born. 

This is my huge cat Liam. He is four years old, and is completely insane. He likes to torture my sisters cat for fun, but he is the biggest snuggle buddy. 

I love to travel. I had the chance to go to Georgia and South Carolina this past April. While I was at the beach my sister and I found a starfish just floating around in the water. 

I am the godmother of these crazy two. They make me so happy every time I see them. We like to do all kinds of things together, like make cloud dough, or one of our favorites go to the zoo. 
This is my family. I am the oldest of four. I work at a restaurant called Anthony's Seafood with my brother and one of my sisters. We had the chance to actually look decent and dress up, and of course I'm wearing orange. My favorite color. 
Panda Bears are my favorite animal 


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